Sunday, November 30, 2008

Where'd Y'all Go...

Well, here I thought that the ones in the family who were more computer savvy than I would be posting the pictures that were taken before, during and after the destruction of the fried boid...
But reckon not, as I've not seen any newer postings since my last one.

I know I'm not the only one in the family that has news to put up here for everyone to read. In fact, Jamie and Jenn should be next since they are returning from the land of Fun and Sun sometime today. I've also been told that Timmy has been home. Where's the news on and from that one?

Come on People!! Let's get this blog to rockin...

Since I've been on this 'puter posting another 'little drop' to my other blog, I thought I would post some of those pictures that I took while youse were busy. As I told Jamie, "I didn't think this house would hold so many people."

But it did and damage was minimal, if not down right non-existent.

Ok, now for the 'uglies'...

Lyle and Ryleigh, along with the backside of Daniel, side of Sissy's face, Serena, and Spencer...

Ryleigh in Nana's bedroom pulling the little red wagon.

Oh Look! it's the "Rat Pack". Yeah, Lovey is one tuff 'Harley' rider...

Let's fill them plates! Taters' anyone?

Serena, or as Noel said "always posing!"

I think I need a bigger table. Ben, his girlfriend, Jodi ( making the funny face) Drake, Beth and Spencer crowd around...

Line starts here...

Ronnie and Mammy discussing some serious bidness...

Daniel filling Shane in on some fact filled tidbits for sure...

Sissy trying to get some lovin from 'Tater'. Momma (Mammy) and Ronnie in the background.

Oh look! Sissy was successful with getting some lovin from Makayla... Robin's head almost in the way.

Will you just look at all the food...

Robin and Noel, and Jessica and Momma in the background...

That's all Folks!!

Much love from my house to yours...

Thursday, November 13, 2008

More Bidness From Butler...

Hi Y'all!

Just thought I would let everyone know the latest...

Remember last week when I was talking about my screwy schedule? Well... the other morning at the end of my shift, my supervisor came in early. As I was telling her about the rough night that had been my night, she made the comment "I need to talk to you."

Ruh Roh! That's never a good thing, no?

Anyways, with the economy in the crapper like it is, Lafarge is looking at all kinds of ways to save money. Where do they start? Oh, can you say 'cut down on overtime and departmental cost'? Uhh, yeah. They just happened to start in the Quality Dept. Long story short, I'm being cut from the dept. as of January 01.

My question to her was..."Do I still have a job?" Her? "Yes."

Wheww! As long as I still have that, I'm blessed.

What I'll be doing is still up in the air. I can go back to Distribution or the production floor. Yuck! I'm getting too old for that physical stuff.


The Quality Manager called yesterday morning before I left for the day. "Would you be interested in doing some training of new hires and others?"

Well heck yeah! Then he went on to say "With all your experience, we don't want it to go to waste if you go back to distribution. There may even be some type of leadership role in the future." "But right now, it's still in the talking stage."


I need y'all to pray that they find the money to put me in that role. I'm hoping it will be a M-F 8hr/day job. Then I can be a normal person again! Oh lordy, I wouldn't know how to even start at being normal...

What say you? Can you? Better yet, Will you? Pray I mean.

See, I knew you would. I know I can count on y'all to do that for me. Cause you is the bestest!

Since I've slept most of my day away, I'll have the energy to actually get something done. Yes Momma, I'm gonna clean my house before everyone gets here next weekend.

Oh, by the way, the MRI on Makayla came back normal. Still no word on the EEG. Yup, Thank God!

Much love, hugs and kisses from my house to yours...

Friday, November 7, 2008

My Weekend Plans...

You can see from the posture of the three amigo's what happens next... Yup, tis time for a few cartoons to chill them out b'fore bed. If only I was that relaxed. But now my laundry room is calling my name.
Oh, the foot that's all sprawled out? Yeah, that's Dan'l. I think all 4 will be ready for bed in very short order.
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!

Kristi told me to do this

OK I have never done this before, so don't be surprised if I do something wrong. I have been thinking about what I am to bring to the Thanksgiving dinner, I had talked to Martha today, and received an email from Beth about things she likes. I am thinking I am going to make some fried dried apple pies, pecan pies, and a german chocolate cake. That should cover any cravings that we might have, chocolate, nuts, fruit. I will make some tea also.

I am really looking forward to this, and then we will go to Georgia on Wednesday before Thanksgiving, to give that pretty baby lots of love!!!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Bidness from Butler...

WooHoo! My little girl has talked me into writing bits and pieces on another blog. Momma is gonna be kicking her butt. Not like I spend enough of my time on this new fangled contraption as it is...

Course, it tis a family blog thingy. Y'all know what that means, don't ya? Oh, I do. I'm gonna warn you all right now. Dana Lynn is a powerful saleswomen. She will have you talked into posting on here before you can spit. Just sayin...

Which is as it should be. Not everyone in the family can pick up the phone to spend a few minutes catching up with the going ons in everyone else's life. Yeah, that'd be me. Work, blogging, babies, sleep...

Now, you all can peruse family news via the web. How twentieth century...


Here's the my little bit of bidness..

Last Wednesday, I got a call at work from Tonya. Her opening greeting was "Who in your family has seizures?"

Uhh, nobody that I know of..Why?

"I had to pick up Makayla from school, and now she's had another seizure. And we have to take her to the hospital for a head X-ray."

"Ok, call me when you know something."

So a few minutes later, I was telling my supervisor about the call, visibly upset. She told me to go on and leave. Thankfully the day tech hadn't left work yet, and was willing to stay and cover the rest of my shift.

Ya know, I've decided I really don't like hospitals. Got the head X-ray done, dropped off a urine sample. I leaned over to kiss her and guess what? Yeah, her fever was back up. Tonya decides since we are already there at the hospital, we'd just stop by the ER.

Alrighty then...

Needless to say, we are there for hours. And hours... The admitting nurse had to give her some Motrin for her 103.1 fever before we go back to the little cubicle. Another urine sample, a cat scan, and 2 doctors dropped by to chat and we sit. 6 hours later, the diagnosis is bladder infection, but since there were the fever induced seizures, call the neurologist the next day. Now I've just been informed that the scheduled visit on Wednesday is to include a MRI and EEG. Hopefully this will find nothing wrong other than she is prone to those little seizures when her fever spikes.

On to other news from my house... Work has slowed down considerably. Yup, never would have evisioned that especially since the housing market is in such a slump. So last week we are notified that our schedules are changing. No more work on Sundays thru the end of the year. No more overtime. Y'all know how screwy my schedule was, it's even worse now. No more 7 days off. Just 6. Even that is subject to change if someone has a vacation day, and I have to cover it. I have to take another day off during that same week. Sheesh!! Enough to drive you to drink...

Speaking of which, Am I hosting the sleep-over? It's fine with me. If you will, bring your pillows and blankets. I don't think I had enough last year for everyone. Not that my house is cold, but I don't want y'all to get a chill.

And now it's Thanksgiving. Did everyone get my little email? Ok, so maybe it was a tad bit long. I like to talk. Anyways, dinner will be served around 2pm on Saturday the 22nd. You all can bring side dishes besides the green beans and mashed taters that I will be making. We are having Ham and Turkey. I've gotten a few return emails detailing this...

Jennifer is bringing whole cranberry salad, and broccoli casserole. Jodi is bringing carrots or sweet taters, and a tossed salad. Sissy is wanting to make the dinner rolls. She sent Robin a email requesting he pick up the soft drinks, water and ice. Susan, haven't heard from you, but I sorta kinda thought maybe you would bring the dessert. Course I'm gonna be making those cow patties for you all to fight over. Momma hasn't said what she wants to bring. Neither has Beth or Kathi. But I'm sure we will have enough food to feed an Army.

Oh, one more thing, since I'm cooking, someone else will have to clean the kitchen... House rules, ya know?

You all can call me or drop me a email. Better yet, post it on here!!!! Tis easy as pie. Hope everyone is doing good. Can't wait to see you all...

Much love, hugs and kisses from my house to yours.



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