Family faces are magic mirrors. Looking at people who belong to us, we see the past, present, and future. ~Gail Lumet Buckley
On Little Drops, I always use a quote at the start of my post. There are many wise words to learn from. I just know I like them and there are bits of truth in most of the ones I've used. Especially the one above. If you look at some of our faces, you will see Grandmother and Grandpa Pierce, all of our Mothers and Fathers, as well as our other ancestors. Edna Mae looks so much like Grandmother as I remember her. Looking at Jamie, you see Daddy's image looking back at you. Little Pierce looks much like his daddy, Mike and a little bit like JD. Michael reminds me so much of George B. I knew as a little girl.
Funny, isn't it? But I'm glad that I'm part and parcel of such wonderful past, present and future...
Michael, thank you so much for sending me the pictures below. Pass it on to the rest of the family. Maybe there will be more who have others they want to share.

The clan waiting to launch our balloons with messages to the Angels above. I think everyone loved this part of the day. Gwen, thank you for bringing the balloons and helium so that we could do this.

One... Two... Three...OFF THEY GO!

Watch them go up into the wide blue sky on their flight towards heaven. Okay, so maybe a few pilots coming into Greater Cincinnati Airport will snag a few before they get that far.

Isn't that the coolest picture ever? There were a few that got tangled in the tree's. But I think the wishes and words we wrote on the cards attached to the balloons made it a lot farther than we know.

Edna Mae and Mary Beth talking up a storm. See what I mean when I said Edna looks like Grandmother? Daddy would have had a field day teasing her, I just know it.

What? Me use my hands to turn those hotdogs? Never!! I think we finally got the fire burning hot enough to cook the way I wanted. Uhh, Yeah, If you're going to do it, do it right. Right?

Susan had baked a cake for Momma's birthday that was the 25th of June. It was her 74th birthday. The cake was also for Kathi, whose birthday was this day, the 27th. Sorry that she wasn't there to enjoy the cake as well.
And there you have it. Maybe next time we should hire a photographer to do the picture taking. While we keep on talking and eating. Oh, I think if you click on each picture, it should come up much larger in a separate window. Just try it...
Much love and kisses from my house to yours.
1 comment:
What good memories! It is such a blessing to think that of all the families in the world, we got the joy of belonging to this onw. I wouldn't trade it or our times together for anything. Just wish there were more. Thanks for all you do in trying to keep us together. You are a jewel and your words remind me of grandmother!!
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