Friday, March 6, 2009

Just so Y'all know...

Hi Y'all.

Seems like Sarah Beth has been the only one who has had words to post on the family blog. Since I'm home with the flu and today being the first day I have been able to think coherently for more than a few minutes at a time, I thought I would drop in.

Yes, I have the ole flu bug. It bit fast and hard. I went to work Tuesday afternoon not feeling myself. Didn't look too hot either by the observations given by co-workers. Nevertheless, I stayed the entire shift, but by the time I drove home, did the few things I needed to do like take out the garbage, laundry, dishes, etc. I was tired. Not bad tired or so I thought. Morgan came out after I got home. Guess it's a good thing his schedule is about as screwed up as mine. Otherwise, we'd never see each other. Regardless, we got caught up, ate a light supper, and then started catching up on all the 'net reading we had missed. Ok, he did most of the surfing. I was on the couch by then. Wrapped in a blanket, freezing, sneezing, hacking and coughing.

"You poor girl, you don't sound so good." Yeah? Well, I don't feel so good.

Next morning, I ached all over. Wanted to do nothing but lay on the couch, snooze, talk when talked to, pop a few Motrins every few hours to help ease the body aches and headache somewhat. The brief periods in between the pain were filled with the normal day to day things, like lunch, blogging and then dinner.

That lasted roughly 24 hrs before it laid me out completely. By the time Morgan had to leave Thursday morning, I was most miserable. Called the doctor who didn't have any appointments available, but you can come in after hours to the "First Come First Served Clinic". You know what that means? Yep, you sit till they call your name. Just what I want or need to do when all I'm wanting is to be in bed.

But I went.

Only had to sit for a brief one magazine read. Was called back to the exam room where the nurse takes all information, temperature, blood pressure. One more item to note, I was surprised at my weight. Who knew? Maybe being sick isn't such a bad thing after all.

The nurse leaves me curled up on the short little exam table awaiting the docs arrival. Even with me being so short, those tables were made for midgets. Finally the doc knocks and enters, asks the same questions the nurse had me answer just a few short minutes before. If I'm not mistaken, she even wrote my answers down. He checks my ears, throat, and nose. Listens to my lung sounds... Then proclaims in a wise doctor voice... "sounds like you have the flu, very contagious by the way. I suggest you take ibuprofen, chicken soup and lots of rest. Oh, no work till at least Monday."

Note to Shane Allen: YOU will have a better bedside manner when you become one of them, right? Please say yes, cause otherwise me and your momma will hunt you down like a rabid dog to make you change your ways. It takes compassion, caring and empathy for a good bedside manner. Qualities that I know you have in abundance. Just don't let them disappear on your way up. Got it??

Alrighty then. Sign me out, give me my work slip, prescription and Thank you very much. They take your money on your way out.

I stopped at the local Walgreens to get the Tamiflu prescription filled. Even picked up some juices. High tailed back to the house to bed. Popped the first of the twice a day pills. Drank some juice, made a few phone calls to the ones who cared enough to ask, then wrapped myself in a blanket, collapsed on the couch again.

You know what? I think my body was tired of all that laying in bed or on the couch, because sometime during the night, it was more comfortable to sleep on the floor. So I did.

There you have it folks, the details and description of that little bug called "the flu". Don't let him catch you unawares. His bite is definitely worse.

Reckon it's time for some chicken soup and another pill or two.

Much love from my house to yours...

No kisses cause I'm contagious, ya know?


O' wiseone said...

Well, if anyone knew you were sick, we all might have cared and called, but i guess that's because our name ain't "Mogan", right? Did he want the flu too? What was he staying there for? Don't he have a home? Well, anyway, I'm glad you're feeling better. It sure is nice to know how an old shoe feels~!@!

K-Dubyah said...

Now Mary...
I was actually talking about Momma who called me. And Tonya. But iffen you wants to get yore dander all up in the aiyre, theen reckon that be yore privey.
Now git over it...

'Sides, I've known how an ol worn out shoe has felt for years and years. Just sayin...

Reckon y'all love me as much as I love you, which is a heap big bunch. :P

O' wiseone said...

I was only exercising my sense of protectiveness over you. Yes, you may not care for that aspect of my love for you, but it is what it is. I don't intend to be mean or fascicious, but I am not oblivious to subtle changes in our relationship. The fact that I did not even know you were sick is point in fact. I used to get to talk to you all the timme and now, I must call and hope i am not interrupting you. I am not up in the air and my dander aint up. I hope I have not been the one who has made you feel like an old shoe. That is one of the reasons I get my dander up because you let people do that to you. You have a very tender and giving nature and you are easily taken advantage of. I reckon we all do love you as much as you love us, if not more. I did not mean to misrepresent myself or sound mad. Just frustrated, so If I hurt your feelings, I am sorry. I for sure didn't mean to do that. I am for always loving you. Your oldest sister, Mary

Sarah said...

I hope you are feeling much better and I hope you aren't contagious anymore!

Much Love-
Sarah B

K-Dubyah said...

Other than staying tired all the time and a lingering cough with a raspy voice, I'm fine...

Let me tell ya, no one wants to get that stuff!!