Tuesday, March 10, 2009

this one or that one?

hey y'all. so, i'm in the process of buying a new house. it's been tough! and somewhat fun... ya know, it's a lot trickier than i first thought b/c there's so much to think of. are you okay with a big yard? is the area safe? can you handle a small kitchen if you have a larger dining room? do you like the layout? how close is it to highways, bus stops, grocery stores, etc? what's the resale possibility? what are the neighbors like? yeah, that's just a start.

like i said, there is soooo much to think about and that doesn't even count the whole loan process (tons of paperwork!) Right now, I am playing the waiting game on this townhome: Here it is.

It's listed WELL below it's value and is pretty much in move in condition. I never thought I'd be interested in a townhome, but I *really* hope this one works out. I made an offer yesterday and am waiting to hear back.

Hope y'all are doing well and can't wait to see you soon! I'll keep you posted about the house hunting.

much love!


Sarah said...

Oh how awesome! I hope you get it!! Good luck and keep up posted.
Love you-

Sarah said...

Yeah well I meant keep 'US' posted...lol!

O' wiseone said...

Dahling, how wonderful!! It looks lovely, only how come you always get something with stairs or on a hilside?? That don't make it easy for us old folks who like things flat? Course I aint the one what's got to live in it , so if you like it, I like it. I am proud for you and If you need any furnishings or perties, I might have some. Keep your eyes open for future postings....!! Just let us know what we can do to help. Love you bunches.

dana said...

thanks ladies. we've gone back and forth a couple of counter offers, and now i'm waiting to hear back. i'm *trying* really hard to be patient and simply trust God through this. if it doesn't work out, then i'm sure that there is something else out there for me. or maybe i'll just move in with mom! ;) (totally kidding...)

K-Dubyah said...

I reckon that if need be, we could work something out. The same goes for Momma. Maybe we should just buy a 3-4 family house. Oh wait, that would be an apartment building then.

ha ha.

Love y'all!